Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20
I saw the video clip that showed the reaction of a crowd when they learned that their Irish neighbors had voted to repeal their strict abortion law. The crowd was mostly young, women, and (seemingly) happy about the approval to abort their children from the womb. I did see a few unhappy faces. Thank God He always has a remnant! See it here: https://www.facebook.com/TheIndependentOnline/videos/10156086023816636/UzpfSTEwMDAwMDM0NzYwMTQ0OToxODU0NTgwMzIxMjMwMjAz/)
They have no idea what they agreed to. They believe that they have advanced “women’s rights.” What they have advanced is the coming of the judgment of God.
This is an example of national sin. 66.4% of the voters agreed to this repeal of a law that protected children in the womb. (How depraved are we in this world that we need laws to protect babies still in their mother’s wombs?!)
The immediate misery will be for every woman who chooses to end the life of her child. That misery of guilt will last a long time. I have never spoken to any woman who did not regret an abortion as she dealt with the long term guilt of murdering her own baby.
The long term misery will be for the nation as the blood saturates the land of Ireland as it has our own nation’s land. Numbers 35:33 says, “You shall not pollute the land in which you live, for blood pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it, except by the blood of the one who shed it.”
Talk about innocent blood! What could be more innocent than a pre-born baby? I pray the Irish Christians will make a big stink. It won’t change the vote but it may point some wrong-thinking unbelievers to the truth of God.
Even here in the USA, I don’t expect that my own personal arguments with people will change the law of the land tomorrow. As more blood pollutes the land daily, and the nation goes farther down the tubes of economic problems and lost respect around the world, it gets easier to see that judgment is upon us.
If more Christians (myself included) took a bolder public stance against murdering babies, would there be more who would see the truth and join us? Would more of Ireland not have thought this was a good idea?
I fear they saw our nation’s “freedom” in abortion and heard the Church’s silence and thought it must be working well for us.
It has not worked out well for over 60 million babies who were killed, nor for the state of our nation with land saturated in innocent blood.
I fear that from the distance of Ireland, our evil appears good, our dark looks like light, and our bitter looks sweet.
Oh God, help us speak words of truth to expose evil and darkness and replace them with Your goodness and Light.