Where’s the Joy?


Colossians 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.

When I read this verse today I realized that this was what I had witnessed this past weekend in Las Vegas. There is a worldly philosophy seen everywhere you go in that city that says that more (money, food, drink, sex, and stuff) is better and sin is good. Big neon signs flash saying “Sinners Welcome”. As I walked down the street with my husband, men and women with cards for prostitutes would wait for me to pass and try to hand one of their cards to my husband! People sat for hours literally attached to slot machines by a corded money card that is plugged into the machine and connected to the gambler by a pin that holds it onto their shirt!

Certainly gambling is full of deceit. The woman who sat next to me on the plane coming home had been there for four days and said she wasn’t happy because she had lost a lot of money. They had “earned” 4 nights in a casino in Las Vegas by gambling at one in New Jersey. It was a great deal, 4 nights for $41 total. The promise was a cheap room in a swanky casino for very little money and all you wanted to drink while you gambled. She envisioned great times and big winnings. The reality was a very expensive room because of bigger losses than she had planned on. Empty deceit.

Out of curiosity and to get to a good restaurant we walked through one of the bigger casinos. We noticed and commented that we saw no smiles, no real conversation going on; there was no joy in the place. There must be occasional happiness over a big win but we didn’t see it. What we saw were people trying to get something they didn’t have and all around the edges of the gambling floor were showcases of jewelry and advertisements for shows and entertainment that promised to make you feel like someone you weren’t now! Human tradition says that if you look like you have money and you know how to have a good time you’ll be respected and envied. That, too, is empty deceit and is according to the elemental spirits of the world – spirits not of God.

Now, accepting a philosophy, a way of thinking and living, that is empty and deceitful is clearly not of Christ. He is the one who calls us to come to Him when worldly ways cause us to become burdened and heavy-laden. The lady on the plane was burdened by her losses. He says that joy is found in Him. John 15:11 quotes Jesus saying, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.”

Psalm 16:11 David says to God, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”


Pleasures forevermore are not found in Las Vegas or in any place where what we seek are worldly pleasures through worldly treasures. Money, food, drink, sex, and stuff may bring some short-term happiness. My husband and I had a great meal in a Las Vegas hotel, overlooking a fountain display that danced to different music. But our joy was in the combination of sight, sound, flavor, and fellowship. God was with us because we’d invited Him.

But the philosophy that says things bring lasting joy is deceitful. Lasting joy comes from Christ alone. He offers a great deal. In exchange for our response to His call on our lives to come to Him in faith He promises the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. I promise you that you will have no regrets when you fly home with those in your heart – regardless of what’s in your pockets.