Why? Providence

Providence Billboard

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28


Why is it that when I speak of providence I want to say, “Divine providence” or “in the providence of God”? A few days ago I was thinking about God’s providence because of some circumstances and wondering why, in His providence, God had set things up as they are.

It occurred to me that there is no other kind of Providence. Only God can be “provident.” Even dictionary.com puts God in providence for the first three definitions of the word.



1. (often initial capital letter) the foreseeing care and guidance of God or nature over the creatures of the earth.

2. ( initial capital letter ) God, especially when conceived as omnisciently directing the universe and the affairs of humankind with wise benevolence.

3. a manifestation of divine care or direction.

The root word is “provide”. In His Providence God provides for us what we don’t even know we need. In fact, sometimes it seems to us that He has mistaken us for someone else because what He provides seems so antithetical to what we think we need (perhaps that should be “I”, not “we”).

This is on my mind because I have been reminding myself of God’s goodness or His “wise benevolence” (as dictionary.com says). The past year has held several events I would not have asked for, in fact, a couple of them I would have said I never wanted. Deaths of people who were close to me, diagnoses that bring fear and create a little doubt, and even the Providence of God in granting my son-in-law a job in Georgia (which is a long way from Pennsylvania!).

In my last post I talked about how important studying the Word of God is (“So Many Books”). These providential circumstances are one illustration of when we need to have done that. Because I went into these difficult situations with the knowledge that God is good, and He is wise, and He has my best interest at heart, I can know that He is all I need to get through these times.

When I think about my family, my friends and my church who have all held me up over these last few months I am thankful to them. More than that I am thankful for them. I believe that because God is good, in His providence He has provided these people to come along side of me and to support me.

The confidence I have in Him is that even though I expect to miss my daughter, her husband, and (not just two but) three grandchildren, I can trust Him to provide as I have need. In fact, what I am sure of, because of His past faithfulness, is that He will provide what I need, and what they need, so we all adjust to the changes for His glory.

We are complainers by nature. This winter it has been more evident to me because there has been so much snow and so many bad roads, and seemingly so much illness and cabin fever that the social media sights have turned into complaint fests. But, really, for the Christian should we have another attitude?

James 1:2-4, says, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

Wow, I guess that answers my question, “Why?”  Hard times are a test of faith! Whether the circumstances are devastating or just slightly annoying, the Providence of God is behind them all. James says it is so we may be joyfully “prefect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

I really want to pass this test!





  1. Terry Steinhauer on February 21, 2014 at 2:14 pm

    “Lord, stamp eternity on my eyeballs”
    -Johnathan Edwards

    Helping one another fight the good fight. : )