Wise Investment


After What’s It Worth? , my post from Monday, a reader/friend pointed out that the time we invest in the things of the Lord always yields a good return. She said it this way, “God is also an investment with high yields!!! I invest my time in getting to know him, showing his work, obeying (heck there are times when I don’t do any of these things) yet the rewards have been great!”

Isn’t that the truth? When we invest our time and resources into the work of knowing Him and speaking about and for Him He blesses us in ways we had not even realized would be blessings.

Because I teach I spend a lot of time in the Bible. There was a time in my life where I didn’t enjoy reading no less studying. But, as I have seen what God does in my life and the lives of others with what He teaches me, my desire to study and learn have grown. The return on my investment of time has been an incredible blessing of “interest” and energy.

Many years ago, right at the beginning of my commitment to walk with the Lord, my husband and I discussed giving to the church. He said, “Why don’t we just tithe?” So, we started to tithe. The return on that investment has also been amazing to watch as we continued to do that and God provided for the college education for both of our children (as I continued to teach and make no money for the family). We have never missed a meal or a payment for lack of money!

As I have grown in the knowledge of the Word of God and have made the investment of time I have learned what God expects of me. Faith in His Son Jesus, a belief that He died for me and was raised from death to life, and obedience to God’s Word, has gained the return of peace in this life. I no longer deal with the amount of guilt I did before I knew the Truth (not that I don’t still sin). I am at peace with money because we follow God’s principles to handle it, and I am at peace with other people because God has taught me to forgive and not expect others to meet all my needs (because He will). Peace is a return on the investment of time in study that cannot be matched by any worldly system.

God also promises a return on the investment of faith in His Son of the rest of the fruits of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22-23 lists love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Any one of these would be worth the investment but God promises all of them. Add eternity in heaven rather than hell and there is nothing that should keep any of us from making this investment!

Unlike our earthly economies, God’s never changes. We don’t have to worry about the volatility of the market or what happens in the world causing our investment to be worthless. In God’s economy nothing ever changes. Hebrews 13:8 says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. So, His promises today are trustworthy and true – just as they always have been.

What keeps you and I from wanting every bit of love, joy, and peace that God offers? Why would we not want to invest all of our time and energy in getting to know Him and helping others to as well?

I am absolutely positive that whatever we are investing our lives in that keeps us too busy to invest in the things of the Lord – the return is not as profitable as the returns God promises. As my friend pointed out, even when our investment isn’t as great as it should be, God still rewards what little efforts we make.

I, with my friend, want every blessing that He promises those who love and serve Him!