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Wise Up, Dumb Down

But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:14


Our son is a professional writer, i.e., he actually makes money from his writing.He introduced me to an app that is a great tool in helping me to correct the structure of my posts so they are more understandable. When I enter each article it gives me several things to look at:

  • the grade level of the writing
  • how many times I have used the passive voice
  • how many adverbs
  • sentences that could be made more readable

When I first enter a post, they usually range from 6th – 8th grade reading level. My son tells me that in advertising copy we are used to reading things on the 4th grade level or below. By observation of the grade level of the posts, I am seeing a consistent theme: God’s Word expects that we are capable of understanding more difficult texts.

When I correct every difficult sentence in the text, but leave in the scripture as quoted from the Bible, they stay at 6th –  8th grade (excluding verses like, “Jesus wept.”). When I remove a Bible verse (to see what it does to the grade level) it drops to between 3rd and 5th grades.

God created us (the app may suggest I change that to “made us.”). He knows our capabilities. In His grace, He has provided His Word to direct our steps. If we stay at a 3rd or 4th grade reading level we may miss some of His instruction.

Our culture wants things to be so dumbed down that we fail to move beyond the 4th grade level of reading comprehension. In early American history, when the Bible was revered, this was not so. Look at the McGuffey Readers for proof. What was a 3rd grade level for them is now what we expect from 8th graders.

God expects more of us. He expects we will read His Word, understand it, and do what it says. In our youth (both physically and spiritually) He provides teachers who can put it into words and illustrations that we can understand while we are in that pure milk stage of faith.

God  wants us to understand His directions and apply His Word to our lives – every day in every setting.

For us, for every new Christian, and for the children God has placed in our care (biological or under our teaching) we have a responsibility to expect more of them than our current educational culture does. We must teach on a level that allows them to grow in their own faith and understanding of the Bible.

And, if it is one of us who is lacking in this area, read, believe and obey this verse from the Word of God. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him (James 1:5).

Are you still taking in only milk from the Word of God? The meat will nourish and strengthen you for the work of the Lord!

If we do not begin to wise up, we will continue to dumb down. Is that what God expects for the next generation?



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One comment on “Wise Up, Dumb Down

  1. The verse that came to mind when I read this – Phil 3.15 – gives us assurance that if we don’t understand something now, that God will help us get to that understanding. Knowing that has helped my tendency to get frustrated when understanding a verse or concept escapes me. Great post of encouragement to work at learning what God wants to teach us!

    “And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.”

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